Benchmark Your Hospital's Charges Against the Competition
Establish your hospital's defensible pricing strategy by benchmarking your hospital's charges against market competition.
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Get Immediate Access to the Latest Benchmark Pricing Data
PMMC's Online Analytics is a web-subscription service that provides immediate access to the benchmark data you need.
This comparative pricing tool offers the ability to compare your prices against local competitive hospitals, state, and national averages.
In addition, it allows you to create a customized market with specific competitors, allowing you to compare your charges to your competitors.
4 Metrics of Contract Management
For healthcare providers struggling to generate consistent revenue growth, establishing a foundation of benchmark metrics for measuring the financial performance of your contract management system can be the difference in driving your bottom line.
Convert Data to Meaningful Information
PMMC's Online Analytics provides built-in analytical tools and results that allows you to easily compare the results by:
Service category
Room Rates
CPT/HCPCS codes including Medicare APC payment values
In addition, the system provides market coding comparisons to easily identify services or procedures that are unique to your hospital or to other hospitals in your market.
Defensible Pricing Starts with Comparing Charges
As the healthcare industry pushes for transparency, hospital charges are receiving increased scrutiny. Not only do you have to reach the board’s financial goals, but now you have to be accountable to the public and the government.
A defensible pricing strategy begins with understanding how your current charges compare to the market.
Set the Right Price
PMMC Online Analytics helps you determine the right price to charge for a HCPC/CPT® code based on multiple benchmark criteria. Utilizing your CDM, the tool provides the ability to set benchmark pricing using criteria such as customized markets of comparative hospitals, Medicare reimbursement, or cost. Once the various criteria are established, the software computes the results.
“PMMC Online Analytics is easy to use and easy to navigate. The variety of reports gives me options and frees up time.“
St. Luke's Hospital
Learn How to Benchmark Your Hospital's Charges
Get started with Online Analytics today to create a defensible pricing strategy!