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Pricing Transparency

Price Transparency and Patient Engagement Solutions

Improve price transparency and patient engagement by providing patients with a fast, easy, and accurate cost estimate.

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HFMA Peer Reviewed

PMMC's HFMA Peer Reviewed patient estimation solution empowers the revenue cycle to provide accurate upfront estimates for its patients


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agree or strongly agree that PMMC's patient estimation solutions provide good value for the cost

Your Patients are Now Consumers

Healthcare providers can utilize the same platform that drives contract governance, modeling and rate setting to deploy a successful patient engagement strategy for pricing transparency and consumerism. In healthcare today, this means giving patients the means to price shop for healthcare services.

Watch: Why Hospitals Need a Price Transparency Solution

Improve Price Transparency

In today's era of consumerism and high-deductible health plans, patients now expect to know their financial responsibility of care in advance. With accurate patient estimates, hospitals can educate their patients on the cost of their care and ease the anxiety of growing out-of-pocket healthcare costs.

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Provide Accurate Point-Of-Service Patient Estimates

Increase point-of-service collections, reduce bad debt, and improve price transparency with patient estimation software. Using actual historical contract data, your hospital can offer the most accurate estimate possible.

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Provide Accurate Online Patient Estimates

Now you can provide accurate, fast, and easy patient estimates online directly through your hospital's website, to meet the financial needs of patients in today's era of consumerism.

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Meet Price Transparency Requirements

With consumerism in healthcare on the rise, many individual states have either passed or proposed legislation that requires healthcare providers to publish their prices online in order to be more transparent. 

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Let's help improve your price transparency today

Improve upfront collections and educate your patients by providing accurate and timely price estimates!

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