Revenue Cycle Market Reports
Check out these free market reports on the latest industry trends related to revenue cycle management.
Impact of the Price Transparency Executive Order
August 26, 2019 | 13 Minute Read
About half of healthcare providers said that publishing contractual allowable prices is their biggest concern related to the Executive Order on price transparency, while about one in four voiced concern about strategic plans to address the upcoming changes.
Read the Price Transparency Executive Order Market Report
Most Healthcare Providers Plan to Add Patient Estimates Online, Adjust Charges in 2019
March 14, 2019 | 4 Minute Read
With the January 1, 2019 CMS price transparency mandate now implemented, hospitals cannot afford to get complacent. Based on recent comments made by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), this appears to be just the first step in the price transparency initiative and hospitals should not be surprised to see more mandates following in 2019.
Read the Patient Estimates and Chargemaster Market Report
Healthcare Leaders Share Their Views on Price Transparency
February 15, 2019 | 12 Minute Read
Four revenue cycle experts shared how they responded to the CMS price transparency mandate and how they envision the impact on the healthcare industry in 2019 and beyond.
Read the Price Transparency Roundtable Recap
Healthcare Providers Concerned, Unsure How to Meet CMS Mandate
November 6, 2018 | 4 Minute Read
Almost all healthcare providers are concerned about how their charges will be perceived by the public in response to the CMS Price Transparency Final Rule, according to a recent survey of 150 hospital participants on a recent webinar with PMMC and Healthcare Business Insights (HBI).
This Market Report looks to address concerns from the CMS Price Transparency Rule, highlighting the fact that hospitals will be required to post their standard charges online for any given service in a machine-readable format.